Types of Termites in Maryland
Last updated: 5/6/2021
Estimated read time: 3.5 minutes
Termites are tiny little creatures who survive by being extremely efficient in the consumption of cellulose or wood. How can such tiny little bugs be such a problem for homeowners? The termite requires a water source, a dark secure environment, an inhabitable temperature, food, and a Queen. The termite is an equal opportunity devourer of wood regardless of the location of the wood. Termites must eat to survive and they never rest. Termites do not hibernate!
Types of Termites in the Colony
The Queen Termite
The Queen is seldom seen, even by highly skilled termite exterminators. This makes it difficult to get rid of a termite colony. The queen termite lives for 45 years give or take and she produces almost 2,000 eggs per day as she mates for life. This is truly a staggering number with the potential day after day of 2,000 new termites. The overcrowding is incredible when you think about it! This is why it is always good to be proactive about your termite control in Maryland or Northern Virginia!
Worker Termites
Worker termites are white in color and generally blind. They move the eggs around the colony to permit proper growth. These worker termites have the task of digesting the cellulose and feeding the colony. Around 60% of the colony are the workers and can be found in decaying, wet wood.
Soldier Termites
Carrying the food and water back to the base camp, the worker termites are often guarded by fierce, combative soldier termites. Soldier termites are blind and often have to be fed by the workers since the jaws of the soldiers are too big and prohibit feeding. The primary enemy of the termite is the ant. Ants are no match for the soldiers, however.
Common Questions About Termite Colonies
How Many Termites are in a Colony?
A termite colony will number in the hundreds of thousands. All hundreds of thousands of the termites need food to survive. Your home is and will be the source of that food.
What is the Temperature of a Termite Colony?
The tunnels of the colony are there for easy movement as well as for temperature control. The termites can either go towards the surface or further underground depending on the temperature needs. The typical termite colony will be between 75 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit, but once established, the colony cannot allow a variance of more than 1 to 2 degrees.
How Common are Termite Colonies?
There are as many as 4 different termite colonies in a typical ¼ acre! Even when termites go to move, they seldom go more than 100 feet from their original colony.
Why Do Termites Swarm?
Every year, in spring or early June in the mid–Atlantic region, several thousand termites will leave the colony to form a new colony. Termites are very poor flyers, and termites are blind and slow. They will seek food and a water source. You will see the swarms, especially around patios and garages. The termites will land and if they do not find food and water they will die quickly. B.O.G. Pest Control receives many calls about these termite swarms and many times a technician will arrive to find only dead termite flyers.
Flying Ants vs. Termites
You can tell the difference between a flying ant and a termite with a magnifying glass or with a keen eye you can see the difference. The easiest characteristic that makes the identification possible is the body. The termite has a straight body and the ant has a definite “waist line”. Termites are weak flyers and after landing will shed their wings and begin establishing a new colony. If you believe you have flying ants and not termites, B.O.G. Pest Control also offers ant control.
Get a Professional Termite Exterminator for Removal
If you are positive you have termites please do you and your home a service: call the professionals at 703-666-3801. Just remember that the swarm does not fly very far from the original termite colony. Get the termite inspection done to allow the professional to check the entire home for evidence of active termites. There are measures that can and should be taken to preserve the integrity of the home.
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